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8.1.31Version195msRequest Duration6MBMemory Usage
    array:1 [ "f" => array:1 [ "c" => "26" ] ]
    array:64 [ "USER" => "alnasserstaging" "HOME" => "/home/alnasserstaging" "SCRIPT_NAME" => "/pu...
    • Booting (9.31ms)
    • Configs (1.93ms)
    • Controller (160ms)
    • 1 x Controller (82.06%)
      1 x Booting (4.76%)
      1 x Configs (0.99%)
      350 statements were executed, 234 of which were duplicates, 116 unique174ms✌ Duration
      • SET NAMES utf8mb4174μs0
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      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=41 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 16μs0
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      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=53 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 16μs0
      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=27 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 16μs0
      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=29 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 16μs0
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      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=21 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 16μs0
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      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=25 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 16μs0
      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=1 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 16μs2
      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=17 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 15μs8
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      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'18μs5
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='8' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,30239μs0
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 GROUP BY ORDER BY p.date_update LIMIT 0,1112.78ms11
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sold DESC LIMIT 0,2012.8ms20
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='26' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5397μs5
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      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'18μs5
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='53' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5331μs4
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      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'18μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 17μs90
      • SELECT `sub_of`, `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` IN (688,692,704,705) AND `for_quantity` = 1 ORDER BY `main` DESC16μs8
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='27' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5480μs5
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      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 15μs90
      • SELECT `sub_of`, `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` IN (439,443,444,448,449,452) AND `for_quantity` = 1 ORDER BY `main` DESC17μs9
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='29' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5357μs5
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      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=29 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 17μs0
      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='30' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5351μs5
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='45' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5370μs5
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='31' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5329μs4
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      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 17μs90
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='32' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5331μs4
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 GROUP BY ORDER BY p.date_update LIMIT 0,1112.88ms11
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='21' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5367μs5
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='4' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5323μs2
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='43' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5327μs5
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      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'188μs5
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      • SELECT `sub_of`, `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` IN (689,690,691,693,694) AND `for_quantity` = 1 ORDER BY `main` DESC18μs11
      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=43 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 17μs0
      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='44' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5226μs0
      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'19μs5
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='51' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5354μs5
      • SELECT `id`, `title`, `description`, `small_description`, `variations`, `sub_of`, `price`, `price_before`, `quantity` FROM `quantities` WHERE `sub_of` IN (588,589,590,591,592) 96μs12
      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'17μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 17μs90
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='23' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5323μs5
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='24' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5346μs5
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='22' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5310μs5
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      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=22 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 17μs0
      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='49' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5359μs5
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      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=25 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 15μs0
      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='1' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,30740μs30
      • SELECT `id`, `title`, `description`, `small_description`, `variations`, `sub_of`, `price`, `price_before`, `quantity` FROM `quantities` WHERE `sub_of` IN (2,6,12,23,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50) 24μs30
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 GROUP BY ORDER BY p.date_update LIMIT 0,1112.68ms11
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      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'15μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 16μs90
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sold DESC LIMIT 0,2012.68ms20
      • SELECT `id`, `title`, `description`, `small_description`, `variations`, `sub_of`, `price`, `price_before`, `quantity` FROM `quantities` WHERE `sub_of` IN (1958,1794,1953,407,431,376,371,3,328,332,2,5,314,1864,47,256,4,13,1915,335) 23μs24
      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'16μs5
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='17' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5266μs0
      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'19μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 17μs90
      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=17 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 15μs8
      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='56' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5349μs5
      • SELECT `id`, `title`, `description`, `small_description`, `variations`, `sub_of`, `price`, `price_before`, `quantity` FROM `quantities` WHERE `sub_of` IN (804,805,806,807,808) 116μs5
      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'17μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 16μs90
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='58' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5333μs5
      • SELECT `id`, `title`, `description`, `small_description`, `variations`, `sub_of`, `price`, `price_before`, `quantity` FROM `quantities` WHERE `sub_of` IN (1291,1344,15906,15920,15934) 90μs5
      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'46μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 16μs90
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      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'19μs5
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='60' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5239μs0
      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'17μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 17μs90
      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='61' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5213μs0
      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'18μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 17μs90
      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='62' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5321μs5
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      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'18μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 16μs90
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='63' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5313μs5
      • SELECT `id`, `title`, `description`, `small_description`, `variations`, `sub_of`, `price`, `price_before`, `quantity` FROM `quantities` WHERE `sub_of` IN (1539,1540,1541,1542,1543) 149μs5
      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'18μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 17μs90
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='64' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5357μs5
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      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'18μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 18μs90
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='18' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,5374μs5
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      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'17μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 17μs90
      • SELECT `sub_of`, `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` IN (3,4,5,7,8) AND `for_quantity` = 1 ORDER BY `main` DESC14μs11
      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=18 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 15μs0
      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 AND p.`sub_of` ='12' GROUP BY LIMIT 0,30234μs0
      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'18μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 16μs90
      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 GROUP BY ORDER BY p.date_update LIMIT 0,1112.65ms11
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      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'15μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 16μs90
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      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sold DESC LIMIT 0,2012.69ms20
      • SELECT `id`, `title`, `description`, `small_description`, `variations`, `sub_of`, `price`, `price_before`, `quantity` FROM `quantities` WHERE `sub_of` IN (1958,1794,1953,407,431,376,371,3,328,332,2,5,314,1864,47,256,4,13,1915,335) 22μs24
      • SELECT * FROM `attributes` WHERE `type`='quantity'16μs5
      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 15μs90
      • SELECT `sub_of`, `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` IN (2,3,4,5,13,47,256,318,319,334,339,340,341,344,384,389,420,448,449,1892,1975,2048,2089,2094) AND `for_quantity` = 1 ORDER BY `main` DESC15μs45
      • SELECT * FROM `products_cat` WHERE `sub_of`=12 AND `status` =1 ORDER BY `sort_id` , `id` 16μs0
      • SELECT,p.`slug`,p.external_id,p.youtube_url,p.3d_url,p.spec_sheet,p.sku,p.date_update,p.warranty, p.about,p.description,p.cashback,p.title, AS brand, AS brand_id,p.sub_of,p.tags,p.stock,p.low_stock,p.cost,p.sub_of,IF(od.s,od.s,0) AS sold, (r.`value_rating` + r.`quality_rating` + r.`price_rating`) /3 AS avg, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` = 1 ORDER BY RAND() limit 1) as `pic_url`, (SELECT `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` = p.`id` and `for_quantity` = 0 AND `main` != 1 limit 1) as `file_url`, q.price AS priceMin,q.price AS commercial_price,q.price_before AS market_price, AS category, AS `category_id` FROM `products` p LEFT JOIN quantities q ON ( q.sub_of = and q.price = (SELECT MIN(`price`) FROM quantities WHERE `sub_of` = LEFT JOIN `products_cat` pc ON p.sub_of LEFT JOIN `brands` d ON p.`brand_id` = d.`id` LEFT JOIN `reviews` r ON r.`sub_of` = p.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id,IF(SUM(quantity),SUM(quantity),0) AS s FROM `orders_data` WHERE `sub_of` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `orders` WHERE `status` < 4 ) GROUP BY product_id ) od ON od.`product_id` = p.`id` WHERE p.`status` = 1 AND pc.`status`= 1 GROUP BY LIMIT 0,30777μs30
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      • SELECT `sub_of`,`cat_id` FROM `attributes_relations` 17μs90
      • SELECT `sub_of`, `file_url` FROM `products_files` WHERE `sub_of` IN (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32) AND `for_quantity` = 1 ORDER BY `main` DESC20μs85
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